
Readers read data that will be imported by iterating over it. PortPHP ships with many readers: both for reading CSV and Excel files and for reading SQL and NoSQL databases. Additionally, you can easily add your own readers.

Readers are: - iterable, for easy processing; - optimized to use as little memory as possible, which is particularly important in case of large datasets.

You can use readers on their own, or construct a workflow from them:

use Port\Steps\StepAggregator;

$workflow = new StepAggregator($reader);


A simple reader for array data, which is most useful when testing your workflow:


use Port\Reader\ArrayReader;

$reader = new ArrayReader([
    // Item 1
        'name' => 'James Bond',
        'code_name' => '007'
    // Item 2
        'name' => 'Bill',
        'code_name' => '008'


Install the CSV adapter:

$ composer require portphp/csv:1.0.x-dev portphp/portphp:1.0.x-dev

Then use the CsvReader to iterate over CSV files:

use Port\Csv\CsvReader;

$file = new \SplFileObject('/path/to/csv_file.csv');
$reader = new CsvReader($file);

You can pass the CSV delimiter, enclosure and escape character as arguments:

// These are the defaults:
$delimiter = ';';
$enclosure = '"';
$escape = '\\';

$reader = new CsvReader($file, $delimiter, $enclosure, $escape);

Then iterate over the CSV file:

foreach ($reader as $row) {
    // $row will be an array containing the comma-separated elements of the line:
    // [
    //   0 => 'James',
    //   1 => 'Bond'
    //   etc...
    // ]

Column headers

If one of your rows contains column headers, you can read them to make the rows associative arrays:


foreach ($reader as $row) {
    // $row will now be an associative array:
    // [
    //   'firstName' => 'James',
    //   'lastName'  => 'Bond'
    //   etc...
    // ]

Strict mode

The CSV reader operates in strict mode by default. If the reader encounters a row where the number of values differs from the number of column headers, an error is logged and the row is skipped. Retrieve the errors with getErrors().

To disable strict mode, set $reader->setStrict(false) after you instantiate the reader.

Disabling strict mode means:

  1. Any rows that contain fewer values than the column headers are simply padded with null values.
  2. Any additional values in a row that contain more values than the column headers are ignored.

Examples where this is useful:

  • Outlook 2010: which omits trailing blank values
  • Google Contacts: which exports more values than there are column headers

Duplicate headers

Sometimes a CSV file contains duplicate column headers, for instance:

id details details
1 bla more bla

By default, a DuplicateHeadersException will be thrown if you call setHeaderRowNumber(0) on this file. You can handle duplicate columns in one of three ways: call setColumnHeaders(['id', 'details', 'details_2']) to specify your own headers call setHeaderRowNumber with the CsvReader::DUPLICATE_HEADERS_INCREMENT flag to generate incremented headers; in this case: id, details and details1 * call setHeaderRowNumber with the CsvReader::DUPLICATE_HEADERS_MERGE flag to merge duplicate values into arrays; in this case, the first row’s values will become: [ 'id' => 1, 'details' => [ 'bla', 'more bla' ] ].

Doctrine DBAL

Reads data through Doctrine’s DBAL.

Install the DBAL adapter:

$ composer require portphp/dbal:1.0.x-dev portphp/portphp:1.0.x-dev

Then use the DbalReader:

use Port\Dbal\DbalReader;

$reader = new DbalReader(
    $connection, // Instance of \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection
    'SELECT, u.username, FROM `user` u INNER JOIN groups g ON u.group_id ='

Doctrine ORM/ODM

Reads data through the Doctrine ORM and ODM.

Install the Doctrine adapter:

$ composer require portphp/doctrine:1.0.x-dev portphp/portphp:1.0.x-dev

Then use the reader:

use Port\Doctrine\DoctrineReader;

$reader = new DoctrineReader($objectManager, 'YourNamespace:Employee');


An adapter for the PHPExcel library.

Install the Excel adapter:

$ composer require portphp/excel:1.0.x-dev portphp/portphp:1.0.x-dev

Then use the reader to open an Excel file:

use Port\Reader\Excel\ExcelReader;

$file = new \SplFileObject('path/to/ecxel_file.xls');
$reader = new ExcelReader($file);

To set the row number that headers will be read from, pass a number as the second argument.

$reader = new ExcelReader($file, 2);

To read the specific sheet:

$reader = new ExcelReader($file, null, 3);


Allows for merging of two data sources (using existing readers), for example you have one CSV with orders and another with order items.

Imagine two CSVs like the following:

1,"Super Cool Item 1"
1,"Super Cool Item 2"
2,"Super Cool Item 3"

You want to associate the items to the order. Using the OneToMany reader we can nest these rows in the order using a key which you specify in the OneToManyReader.

The code would look something like:


use Port\Csv\CsvReader;
use Port\Reader\OneToManyReader;

$orderFile = new \SplFileObject("orders.csv");
$orderReader = new CsvReader($orderFile);

$orderItemFile = new \SplFileObject("order_items.csv");
$orderItemReader = new CsvReader($orderItemFile);

$oneToManyReader = new OneToManyReader(

The third parameter is the key which the order item data will be nested under. This will be an array of order items. The fourth and fifth parameters are "primary" and "foreign" keys of the data. The OneToMany reader will try to match the data using these keys. Take for example the CSV's given above, you would expect that Order "1" has the first 2 Order Items associated to it due to their Order Id's also being "1".

Note: You can omit the last parameter, if both files have the same field. Eg if parameter 4 is 'OrderId' and you don't specify parameter 5, the reader will look for the foreign key using 'OrderId'

The resulting data will look like:

//Row 1
    'OrderId' => 1,
    'Price' => 30,
    'items' => [
            'OrderId' => 1,
            'Name' => 'Super Cool Item 1',
            'OrderId' => 1,
            'Name' => 'Super Cool Item 2',

    'OrderId' => 2,
    'Price' => 15,
    'items' => [
            'OrderId' => 2,
            'Name' => 'Super Cool Item 1',


Install the PDO adapter:

$ composer require portphp/pdo:1.0.x-dev portphp/portphp:1.0.x-dev

First construct some PDO object:

// Construct some PDO object, e.g. SQLite
$pdo = new \PDO('sqlite::memory:');

Then create the PdoReader with that PDO object and an SQL query:

use Port\Pdo\PdoReader;

$reader = new PdoReader($pdo, 'SELECT, u.username, FROM `pdo_user`');

Create a reader

You can create your own data reader by implementing the Reader interface, which extends the PHP Iterator interface. To get an idea, have a look at the readers included in this library.