
Value converters take an element from the input data and transform it. You can use them in conjunction with the ConverterStep.


To do

Please hang on while we document this part.


To do

Please hang on while we document this part.


The main use of DateTimeToStringValueConverter is to convert DateTime object into its string representation in proper format. The default format is Y-m-d H:i:s.


use Port\ValueConverter\DateTimeToStringValueConverter;

$converter = new DateTimeToStringValueConverter;
call_user_func($converter, new \DateTime('2010-01-01 01:00:00'));  // will return string '2010-01-01 01:00:00'


There are two uses for the DateTimeValueConverter:

  1. Convert a date representation in a format you specify into a \DateTime object.
  2. Convert a date representation in a format you specify into a different format.

Convert a date into a \DateTime object.


use Port\Steps\StepAggregator;
use Port\Steps\Step\ConverterStep;
use Port\ValueConverter\DateTimeValueConverter;

$converter = new DateTimeValueConverter('d/m/Y H:i:s');

$converterStep = new ConverterStep();

$workflow = new StepAggregator();

If your date string is in a standard format then you can omit the format parameter:


use Port\ValueConverter\DateTimeValueConverter;

$converter = new DateTimeValueConverter();
// ...

Convert a date string into a differently formatted date string.


use Port\ValueConverter\DateTimeValueConverter;

$converter = new DateTimeValueConverter('d/m/Y H:i:s', 'd-M-Y');
// ...

If your date is in a standard format you can pass null as the first argument:


use Port\ValueConverter\DateTimeValueConverter;

$converter = new DateTimeValueConverter(null, 'd-M-Y');
// ...


Looks for a key in a hash you must provide in the constructor:

use Ddeboer\DataImport\ValueConverter\MappingValueConverter;

$converter = new MappingValueConverter(array(
    'source' => 'destination'

$converter->convert('source'); // destination
$converter->convert('unexpected value'); // throws an UnexpectedValueException


Converts an object into a scalar value.

Using __toString()

If your object has a __toString() method, that value will be used:


use Port\ValueConverter\ObjectConverter;

class SecretAgent
    public function __toString()
        return '007';

$converter = new ObjectConverter();
$string = call_user_func($converter, new SecretAgent());   // $string will be '007'

Using object accessors

If your object has no __toString() method, its accessors will be called instead:


class Villain
    public function getName()
        return 'Bad Guy';

class Organization
    public function getVillain()
        return new Villain();

use Port\ValueConverter\ObjectConverter;

$converter = new ObjectConverter('');
$string = call_user_func($converter, new Organization());   // $string will be 'Bad Guy'


Looks up an object in the database based on a string value:


use Port\Steps\Step\ValueConverterStep;
use Port\ValueConverter\StringToObjectConverter;

// $repository is a Doctrine ORM or ODM object repository
$converter = new StringToObjectConverter($repository, 'name');

$step = new ValueConverterStep();
$step->add('input_name', $converter);