
Import CSV file and write to database

This example shows how you can read data from a CSV file and write that to the database.

Assume we have the following CSV file:

New Year;20131231;20140101

And we want to write this data to a Doctrine entity:


namespace MyApp;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

 * @ORM\Entity
class Event
     * @ORM\Column()
    protected $event;

     * @ORM\Column(type="datetime")
    protected $beginDate;

     * @ORM\Column(type="datetime")
    protected $endDate;

    public function setEvent($event)
        $this->event = $event;

    public function setBeginDate($date)
        $this->beginDate = $date;

    public function setEndDate($date)
        $this->endDate = $date;

    // And some getters

First make sure to include the dependencies:

$ composer require portphp/csv portphp/doctrine portphp/steps

Then you can import the CSV and save it as your entity in the following way.


use Port\Csv\CsvReader;
use Port\Doctrine\DoctrineWriter;
use Port\Steps\StepAggregator;
use Port\Steps\Step\ValueConverterStep;
use Port\ValueConverter\DateTimeValueConverter;

// Create and configure the reader
$file = new \SplFileObject('input.csv');
$csvReader = new CsvReader($file);

// Tell the reader that the first row in the CSV file contains column headers

// Create the workflow from the reader
$workflow = new StepAggregator($csvReader);

// Create a writer: you need Doctrine’s EntityManager.
$doctrineWriter = new DoctrineWriter($entityManager, 'MyApp:Event');

// Add a converter to the workflow that will convert `beginDate` and `endDate`
// to \DateTime objects
$dateTimeConverter = new DateTimeValueConverter('Ymd');
$converterStep = new ValueConverterStep();
    ->add('beginDate', $dateTimeConverter)
    ->add('endDate', $dateTimeConverter);

// Process the workflow

Export to CSV file

This example shows how you can export data to a CSV file.


use Port\Csv\CsvWriter;
use Port\Reader\ArrayReader;
use Port\Steps\StepAggregator;
use Port\Steps\Step\ValueConverterStep;

// Your input data
$reader = new ArrayReader(array(
        'first',        // This is for the CSV header
            'first' => 'james',
            'last'  => 'Bond'
            'first' => 'hugo',
            'last'  => 'Drax'

// Create the workflow from the reader
$workflow = new StepAggregator($reader);

// Add the writer to the workflow
$file = new \SplFileObject('output.csv', 'w');
$writer = new CsvWriter($file);

// As you can see in the input data, the first names are not capitalized
// correctly. Let's fix that with a value converter:
$valueConverterStep = new ValueConverterStep();
$valueConverterStep->add('first', function ($value) {
    return ucfirst($value);

// Process the workflow

This will write a CSV file output.csv where the first names are capitalized:
